Huntsville Macintosh Users Group
About Us
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The Huntsville Macintosh Users Group evolved from a special interest group (SIG) within the local Apple users group. Started in 1989, at first the group was called the Mac Lisa Users Group. The group ratified By-Laws November 10, 1990. In order to achieve 501c Tax Exempt Status as a Non-profit Educational Organization, HMUG adopted a Constitution on August 24, 1996.

HMUG holds its meetings in Huntsville, Alabama, and serves the Northern Alabama and Southern Middle Tennessee region.

HMUG meets once a month. Come and join us! Attendance is not limited to HMUG members, and who knows, you might win one of our door prizes!

Business Meeting

2nd Saturday of Each Month
Currently, we are meeting virtually, using Zoom.
10:00 AM meeting starts

The business, or formal, meeting begins with club business including club officers reports. We then proceed to the "Flashes" section where we discuss and hopefully solve computer problems members might have. We then proceed into the day's program. The topics of programs presented at the business meeting are kept at an introductory level.

Do you want to present a product or service to HMUG members? Send an e-mail to the Program Chair. Vendors wishing to have their software or hardware reviewed or demonstrated should contact the Apple Ambassador

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