HMUG August 2007 Informal Meeting (2007-08-26 20:01:36) We discuss Blue Snowball, voice recording using Garageband, Sound Preferences, CD Doctor, iWork '08, AppleWorks, Fliemaker, Mac Link Plus, Photoshop, WiFi, synching Docks, FireFox cache, Windows Printing setup, receipts, Snapz Pro, and ProfCast
(Time: 1:09:00, Size: 32.61 MB) |
HMUG August 2007 Formal Meeting (2007-08-15 07:29:59) We discuss Mac Resource's move, Podcast microphone, e-mail vs. forums vs. list server, Program: AppleTV, Flashes: gigabit switch problems, digitizing audio tape, printer drivers, TurboCAD, iLife '08, iWork '08
(Time: 1:38:29, Size: 46.56 MB) |
HMUG June 2007 Informal Meeting (2007-06-23 20:47:43) We discuss: Safari 3, Windows Media stream, Flip for Mac, downloading pictures, Photoshop, RAM vs. CPU usage, webserver statistics, UPCs and surge protectors, back-up hard drives, battery info, routers and switches, firmware updates, Program: WWDC Leopard
(Time: 2:06:45, Size: 59.39 MB) |
HMUG June 2007 Formal Meeting (2007-06-10 10:58:22) We discuss buying a USB microphone, Safari problems and bookmarks, SSL vs. clock settings, Mail configuration, manually installing security updates, Address Book corruption, crashes, Belkin USB hub, iSync, Ceiva digital picture frame, Program: Backups
(Time: 2:06:45, Size: 56.07 MB) |
Flashes from HMUG April Informal Meeting (2007-05-11 08:15:58) Apple stores, computer literacy, books, Adobe CS 3, Laptop battery firmware, Toast, Live Interiors 3D, iTunes, Intel vs. PPC, Crossover, RAM, Activity monitor, XRG, DVD burning speed, iMovie, HP Photo printer, 10.2.8 printing, printable DVDs, inkjet paper
(Time: 2:06:45, Size: 41.26 MB) |
HMUG April 2007 Formal Meeting (2007-04-14 20:05:51) Flashes: Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard delay, 8 core Mac Pro, Google Desktop, Comcast e-mail, .Mac, Paper Sizes; Program Digital Scrapbooking: iRemember, Scraper's Guide using PhotoShop Elements
(Time: 1:54:58, Size: 54.36 MB) |
HMUG March 2007 Formal Meeting (2007-03-10 20:24:09) We discuss proposed changes to HMUG meetings, club officers, the web site update, meeting schedule; Program:Yojimbo, Mousepose, Omni Dazzle, ProfCast; Flashes: Daylight Savings time updates, Missing Sync, Bookmarks in Firefox, Spotlight vs. metadata, MacDraw files, Safari Enhancer
(Time: 1:36:48, Size: 45.77 MB) |
HMUG February 2007 Formal Meeting (2007-02-10 21:37:16) E-mail attachments, e-mail clients, external hard drives, printers,, Program: Wired and Wireless Networking
(Time: 2:06:45, Size: 59.93 MB) |